If you’re looking to provide your middle schooler with an engaging + challenging learning experience, consider East Cary Magnet Middle’s School’s innovative programming that emphasizes global learning and making a positive impact in the world.
The school offers:
- A campus transformed into a map of the world, with buildings designated as continents, a collaborative international courtyard, and a school entrance that welcomes students in eight different languages.
- Daily World Language courses in Mandarin or Spanish (and the chance to earn up to two high school credits).
- A supportive learning environment and global curriculum tailored to individual needs and deepening cultural awareness.
- Various clubs + organizations
- A focus on developing students who are collaborative, creative, excellent communicators, and critical thinkers.
Take a tour, enroll + apply
Ready to check out ECMMS? Schedule a tour — and note applying is a two-step process, so be sure to enroll a few days before the application deadline of Thursday, Jan. 25.