Our readers’ local love stories

RALtoday readers help put our city on the map by submitting love stories from around our city.

Love story map

Click the green “add point” button on our map to submit your love story.

Graphic via 6AM City

For Valentine’s Day 2024, we made a map of local places where our readers have made memories. We asked for your help compiling everything from proposals to making friends. You did not disappoint.

You can explore these local love stories by clicking on the hearts — and here are just a few that we had to share:

  • “My now-fiancé and I got engaged at Moore Square! He surprised me with a barber shop quartet that serenaded us before he got down on one knee.” — Anonymous reader
  • “My best friend, Colleen, set me and her coworker, David, up on a blind date. We decided to meet at Boxcar in downtown Raleigh on July 27, 2017 and the rest is history. We will be married for four years in December 2024. It really was the best place for a blind date and I couldn’t be more grateful that we had it.” — Anonymous reader
  • “It all began with a swipe right and a drink at the bar (The Anchor Bar). A year later he dropped on one knee at NCMA. Four years have gone by and we are happily married and still living in Raleigh with our two precious golden retrievers.” — Alex R.

Now we’re really feeling the love.

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