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Share your thoughts about extending the NC stay-at-home order

NC Gov. Roy Cooper + NCDHHS Sec. Mandy Cohen

Last week, Governor Roy Cooper + the NC Department of Health and Human Services announced a nine-day extension of our statewide stay-at-home order, which was initially slated to expire this Wednesday, April 29. The new date of expiration is set for Friday, May 8, pending the achievement of certain benchmarks relative to COVID-19 testing and infection rates in our community.

As a reminder, these restrictions are still in place:
🚫 Non-essential travel
🚫 In-person business operations, except essential services
🚫 Gatherings of 10 people or more
🚫 Less than 6 feet proximity between individuals not of the same household

Note: The Wake County stay-at-home order restricts gatherings between individuals not of the same household. This is more restrictive than the statewide ban on gatherings of 10+ people. The Wake County order is currently set to expire this Thursday, April 30.

The state has introduced a three-phase plan to reopen businesses, etc. — which will take effect following the May 8 expiration of the stay-at-home order, if the following benchmarks are met:
✅ Increase testing from ~2,500 to ~5,000 people per day
✅ Increase workforce contact tracing from 250 to 500
✅ Deploy digital tracing technology to track cases and notify contacts
✅ Reduce the trajectory of cases projected over 14 days
✅ Reduce the trajectory of positive tests projected over 14 days
✅ Reduce the trajectory of hospitalizations projected over 14 days
✅ Ensure a 30+ day supply of personal protective equipment for all

So what do you think about all of this, Raleigh? We want to hear from you. Send us an email + use the links below to share this very important info with your friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, and that person you sometimes DM.