Calling all movers and shakers. Are you ready to become an even more engaged citizen? Do you wish you knew more about the goings-on in our city, before they happen? You can make your voice heard — by serving as a volunteer member on one of the City’s 29 (yes, 29) boards and commissions.
As a board member, you can weigh in on topics like appearance or planning, advise on changes to our local parks and greenway system, or contribute to historic development and preservation of cemeteries.
Members are nominated and appointed by the City Council. To be considered, you must submit an interest form to the board or commission of your choosing (example here). Candidates must receive five favorable votes from City Council members in order to be approved for a board or commission member position.
- Who can apply? Any citizen residing within the City of Raleigh.
- What are the term limits? Current policies observe a two-year term + a maximum of three terms. Individuals may serve on a maximum of two boards at any given time. To make sure the time commitment fits with your personal schedule, you can view meeting times on each individual board or commission landing page, via the City of Raleigh website.
- Where do I find vacancies? Available seats are listed in the Nominations + Appointments section of City Council agendas — for example, last week’s agenda (Nov. 17) indicated vacancies for the Arts Commission; Stormwater Management Advisory Commission; Human Relations Commission; Environmental Advisory Board; Fair Housing Hearing Board; Parks, Recreation, and Greenway Advisory Board; and Substance Use Advisory Board. ProTip: You can also see current board and commission members and expiring term dates here.