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The top spots for Halloween decor in Raleigh, NC - 2021-10-25T203904.026

Decorations at 518 Elm St. | Photo by RALtoday

From eerie sights on Elm Street to bats + boos in Boylan Heights — Raleigh is adorned with some frighteningly festive Halloween decor. We recently asked where we can find the best holiday decorations around the city, and y’all delivered.

Check out the list below, load up the car, and take the family on a tricked out tour of Raleigh’s spookiest streets and neighborhoods.

  • Elm Street | Given the name, it’s expected that residents live up to the classic film, A Nightmare on Elm Street. Look out for 227 Elm St. + 519 East Lane St. just around the corner, according to to reader Al P.
  • Edward’s battle Haunted House | Every year since Edward was diagnosed with cancer, he has used the Halloween season to bring attention to childhood cancer + raise funds for foundations. This year he has created a drive by haunted yard located at 9401 S. Mere Ct.
  • 504 Oakwood Ave. | According to reader Al P. this house is legendary for their spooky decorations.
  • Bedford/Falls River/River Run | Reader Katie P. said these areas, particularly Wake Bluff Drive can’t be missed this season.
  • Boylan Heights | A neighborhood with some thrills and chills to bring the historic homes to life. “Specifically, South Street, which always has a lot of trick or treating traffic on Halloween.” — Reader Nick C.
  • 4412 Densmore Pl. | This home, located off of North Hills Drive near Crabtree Valley Mall, was also a reader recommendation, coming from Amy C.
  • 411 Dixie Tr. | Editor Laura saw this house while driving by and had to circle back for a second look at these colorful decorations.

Durham startup Built Story also has a guided tour available on their app of Halloween decorations across Wake County. The tour costs $10 and includes 27 stops in areas such as Raleigh, Morrisville, Cary, Holly Springs, and Wake Forest. Pro tip: Users’ first tours will be free on Wed., Oct. 27.