18.5 million. That’s how many visitors Wake County welcomed in 2023, according to Wake County’s annual report.
2023 saw a 3.9% increase in visitation over 2022. These visitors spent a record-breaking $3.2 billion, an 8.1% increase from the previous year. Food and beverage sales accounted for $913 million of this figure while lodging accounted for $790 million.
From this $3.2 billion in spending, $307 million in state and local taxes were generated. A direct impact of this spending resulted in the creation and sustainability of 25,000+ tourism and hospitality-related jobs. Additionally, the visitor-generated taxes saved Wake County households $712 in annual taxes, $111 more than 2022.
Large revenue contributors to Wake County’s economy — like PNC Arena and Red Hat Amphitheater — are often updated + enhanced using the taxes acquired from tourism. School construction, water, sewer, and other local necessities are also partially funded by tourism-generated spending.